The Gabriels


Welcome to our blog. We are happy to document our lives and share it with everyone.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Today the babies and I went to a Valentines party. Thanks for having us over, Shannon! We had fun. Ama passed out on the car ride home and is still asleep. I need to wake him up soon. Actually, both babies are asleep and I need to go to the store to get some stuff for my garage sale tomorrow. I have TONS of stuff to sell. It's overwhelming. I'm probably going to need to have another sale later after I sell the top layer of stuff in my garage. I know I am going to find lots of other things that we don't need anymore. The kids outgrow things so fast. I am also selling all of my maternity clothes. No more babies for a while! Jeremy never gets rid of clothes so before he left I had him go through his stuff. I seriously have a lot of stuff for sale.

Quick story~ We were in the car coming back from the party. Ama started laughing like he was laughing at the funniest thing he had ever seen. I turned around and his face was dripping juice!!!! He had squeezed his juice box and it was EVERYWHERE! The mess was worth the happiness I heard in his laugh.
I'm coming back to add more. People are still calling me about my garage sale! I put my phone number in my ad because our house is brand new so sometimes it is hard to find. I wanted people to be able to call for directions. A man just called me (and yes it is 10 at night) and he told me that he has been in the garage sale-ing every weekend business for 10 years and if I put my signs out tonight he said people would be knocking on my door at 5am. Garage sales are serious around here!! I'm hoping for a good blog report tomorrow! Cross your fingers for lots of decluttering and lots of money!

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