The Gabriels


Welcome to our blog. We are happy to document our lives and share it with everyone.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Another day...still tons left to do. I am seriously taking a break NEXT Friday. If anyone knows of something I have to do that day please don't tell me. I want to look forward to it as long as possible.

The kids were good today. Alauna was very pleasant as usual and Ama was also pretty good. He got to play outside for a long time and enjoyed himself. Lots of other things happened and Ama's speech therapist came to help him. I am going to take pictures of things that he usually asks for and put them on the refrigerator so he can learn to associate the pictures with things that he sees in real life. I am going to take pictures of his milk, yogurt, cheese, and a peanut butter sandwich for now. That is what he asks for most of the time. He also likes popsicles but I don't want to give him one everytime he asks. I want to be able to be happy and cheer when he shows me a picture and I need healthier stuff for that.

Tomorrow I have drill so I might not be posting. If I do it will be during the day. I have lots to do during the day. I need to slow down but I don't know how. I have a problem with that. I feel like everything needs to get done all at once.

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