The Gabriels


Welcome to our blog. We are happy to document our lives and share it with everyone.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!! Welcome 2010! The best part of 2009 was little Alauna. She is a perfect addition to our family. As Beth said, she is the best present of 2009.

Today the house was quiet for a few minutes. Here is why....

Don't laugh at Alauna's hair. I was experimenting and she fell asleep. Look at how big they are getting. Ama is 23 months old and Alauna is 5.5 months old

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! I have been getting behind on posts. It's harder to post everyday when Jeremy isn't gone. Yes, I know it should be easier since he is here to help me with the kids but it is more difficult because I don't have as much motivation.

We had a good Christmas. Happy First Christmas, Alauna! She loved opening presents. She attacked them. Ama had fun too. He seemed to have an endless supply of new toys. He also got some really cool books. Ama loves books.

Here is a video of Alauna opening a gift

And here is a video of both of them

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Today was a lazy Sunday. We didn't leave the house. I did cook some yummy steak and rice for dinner.

My mom told me this a couple of days ago and I forgot to post it. On Thanksgiving Cameron (my nephew) told my mom that his mom got the turkey at work but for some reason they kept the head and the feathers. He thought it was because the turkey talked too much. I guess that makes sense.

Above is a video of Alauna in her jumperoo. She got that toy rolling for the first time. I am so proud of her.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

We are back!!!!! Our laptop at the hotel wouldn't let me sign in here to update so I have lots to say now. The plane ride and airport trips with the babies was okay. I was the crazy looking lady there with a baby in a wrap, a baby in a stroller, 2 blankets, a diaper bag and a purse trying to walk fast. It worked. The kids behaved well. It was Ama's second trip by plane and Alauna's first. Here are a couple of pictures from the plane.

The trip went pretty well. Keeping the kids quiet in the hotel room was tough but we managed. I had fun wrapping people. I actually wrapped 8 people and sold an extra wrap. I met my mom and Billy in Oklahoma City at the mall. We had lunch and did a little bit of shopping. Alauna sat in a high chair for the very first time. She looked so tiny! And here is a picture of Alauna and Billy
Ama played on the toys at the mall for the first time. He really liked them. It's a good thing Billy had a pocket full of quarters!The hotel had a playground. Here are a few pictures from one of our trips.

Here are a couple of pics from a day in the life of living in a hotel room. Yes, that is Ama doing something that got him in trouble after I put the camera down.

Jeremy graduated from his school. Congrats to him! We had been dreading him going but all is well now. Hopefully he gets promoted soon. We have been checking every month and his number is getting close. Maybe January-fingers crossed on that one.

Thanksgiving was fun. We went to Maria's house. Thank you Maria and family for a good time and delicious food. The leftovers were really good too. I can't wait for my new sweet potato pie!! If there is anyone in El Paso that likes sweet potato pies I HIGHLY recommend the pies that she got. Let me know if you need the info. It might even be worthy of shipping.

Black Friday--I waited in line for 1.5 hours at Toys R Us and then found out that they were out of the Neat and Tidy cottage that I wanted for the kids. I left empty handed. Later in the morning my shopping buddy (Alauna) and I went to Target and Walmart after the rush. I managed to get some good deals.

Here are a couple of pictures from today. Her daddy was experimenting and figured out that she can do this.

******I would like to post a special shout out to Sheri. Happy Belated Birthday, Sheri!!! I didn't get a chance to send you a card but I did remember and I was thinking of you on your birthday. I don't know if you have thought about it but we met 16 years ago, in the sixth grade. Look, now I'm dating us. I'm only kidding. We are still young. If there is anyone out there trying to do the math, I will help you out--we are 28.
I did get your Thanksgiving day card. Thank you very much. It was really sweet.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wish us luck. In a few hours we are about to take a plane ride up to see the missing member of our family. I'll post pictures from the trip later. I've been trying to get the house ready and it isn't working. I'm really tired and we have to leave in a few hours. I haven't even been to bed yet.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My wrapping/supplement business is going well. I'm really having fun with it. If anyone wants to know what I am talking about here is the link

Monday, November 9, 2009

Here are Alauna's 4 month pictures. Use the link and then type Carrie Gabriel as the customer
Happy 4 month Birthday Alauna!!!

This is especially for daddy!!! Good morning! She had already woken up and eaten breakfast and then went back to sleep. This is her getting up for the day.

Here we are at Wal-mart

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Today is garage cleaning day. I've got to get started before crazy boy wakes up and makes things more *challenging*. This is what Ama looks like right now. Alauna is awake. I'm about to get her dressed and take her out in the garage with me. I'll update this post throughout the day. I just had a thought. I'm going to take a before and after picture of the garage so you can really see what my day will be like. Eventually I am going to turn it into a gym but until then I will be satisfied with being able to walk though it .

Here is the before of the garage

Here are the kids playing outside

Ama passed out after eating some peaches. Today has been a LONG day and it is only 3. I'm going to follow his lead and take a small nap too.

I'm going to consider the garage done. Here is an after picture. The stuff closest to the garage door is mostly empty boxes and then I have a pile of stuff I am trying to sell and there is tons of boxes of military gear in the corner. There is also alot of exercise equipment and for some reason we have 2 Christmas trees. Posting pictures and status updates on a blog is great motivation to get something done!

And because Alauna was so patient she is!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thank you Grandpa and Grandma Gabriel!!

Today Alauna and Ama got a very generous gift from their Grandpa and Grandma Gabriel. I'm not sure what they are going to do with all of it. I did buy Alauna 3 sweaters today since it is getting cold but I think I am going to get them a swing set of some sort for the backyard.
From all of us~ THANK YOU!

The babies actually took a nap at the same time today. It only lasted a few minutes and then Alauna woke up but it was really cute while it lasted.

Here are a couple of videos of Alauna laughing and looking at me like I am crazy. I had a really cute one of the babies playing together but it's not on my memory card for some reason.

To make up for yesterday I am going to post extra pictures today. I found a memory card in a little cubby hole in the front of the computer. I don't know how I missed it last night.

Here are the kids a few minutes ago. Alauna was just sitting and Ama was eating animal crackers. I will post more throughout the day.

Friday, November 6, 2009

It has been requested that I post a picture with every post and not just post words. I agree that the pictures are the best part but....I now have three missing memory cards. I don't know how this could have happened. I was keeping an eye on my last card and now it is also missing.

We mostly played at home today. Ama has a doll that he used to play with when we were getting him used to the idea of having a baby sister. Today Alauna was playing with it (she was looking it while I was holding it--that's how she plays) and Ama walked up and grabbed it and held the baby's head to Alauna's mouth so she could kiss it. It was so cute. That is what he used to make us do. He is really is a sweet boy, a bit crazy but still sweet.

Ama walks really fast and kinda looks behind him when he wants to see if you are following him. Today I tried it and ran into the wall. He thought I was hilarious.

Someone came by today to help set up our alarm system. Yay! No more being scared every night since we are just a woman and two babies.

Ama keeps trying to get me to lift him up to touch the ceiling but I can't. He has to wait for his daddy to come home. His daddy is the one that helps him touch the ceiling.

I'm trying to think of funny things the kids did today but I can't. Ama was funny as usual and Alauna was good like she usually is, except when we are in the car and she screams her head off. I think she must get car sick or something.

Sorry again about the lack of pictures.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

As requested today's blog entry is being posted earlier in the day.

We went to a playgroup today. It was an open gym with balls and other toys. I learned that Ama can use a bat and hit a baseball off of a tee. He even holds the bat correctly. I'm pretty proud of him. After all, he is only one.

Please excuse my messy appearance. I really do need to take a nap and put on some make up!! This is what I look like most of the time. It seems like BOTH of them need my attention at the same time usually.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Today was a regular old day except that someone came by the house to give me a detox wrap. I lost 3.75 inches off of my midsection! It's awesome. I would like to go into business selling them but it is up in the air.

Here is a video of Ama playing. He has this much energy ALL day long.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Alauna was sitting up by herself for a while today. I'm not going to officially call her a sitter but she is really close. Ama made a huge mess with his lunch (pasta and marinara sauce). It was not a good moment for me. I cleaned the house (yay! but it seems like that is all I do). Then the speech therapist lady came by to see Ama. She is going to do an evaluation on him next month. I'm still thinking that soon Ama and Alauna will be on the same level when it comes to talking. Ama's motor skills are ridiculous. That boy is unstoppable with everything except talking. Maybe he just takes after his dad, a man of few words. I gave away some more boxes (group number 4). Hopefully this weekend I will give away the last of them.

Here is my picture of the day. Ama was sitting at the desk pretending to do some work.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The kids were really cute today. I told Ama to play with Alauna and he did. He hugged her and poked on her nose and then he gave her the remote to chew on. She looked at him with so much love. I wonder if she has been wanting to chew on that for a while... I tried to get a good video of Alauna when she wakes up because she is usually so happy and talkative but the camera was distracting to her and she just stared. I'm posting a video anyways for her daddy's benefit. It's cute anyways because she shows so many of her facial expressions. I am so happy to be here and get to watch my babies. I'm very grateful for the opportunity. I just wish we were all together.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Another Day

We (well me) cleaned alot today. The kids room is completely done and organized. Just three rooms to go now~the garage, the master bedroom and the guest room. We are getting there.

Ama can say candy. Thank Halloween for that one.

And now what you have been waiting for...the babies...and no, the mess was not fun to clean up but least Ama had a good time. And, yes, that is Alauna sitting up. She isn't completely steady yet but she is getting there.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Fall Bazaar and Halloween

Today the three of us went to the fall bazaar on post. I was unsure about going but we need to get out of the house sometimes. I am so glad we decided to go. We had tons of fun. We got to try lots of food. Everytime I would sample something I would get Ama a sample too. I bought some really cute hair things for Alauna. The woman that made them was really talented. I also got some homemade apple butter. Ama and Alauna were a hit with the people. Alauna kept talking to and smiling at everyone and Ama behaved really well and looked around. We met a little girl that is just a week older than Alauna. She was cute and the girls were talking to each other.

We went trick or treating tonight. We were gone about an hour and walked about 2 blocks. Little one year old legs don't go very fast. I ended up carrying both babies home at the end. Ama thought he was home every time someone opened the door. He acted like he had been invited to dinner. I think he had fun. The kids got more candy than I expected. Ama has been carrying his bucket around like he is still trick or treating. Then he climbed in his highchair and ate some candy.

And this is what all of the fun does to a baby shark

yasmin lawsuits