The Gabriels


Welcome to our blog. We are happy to document our lives and share it with everyone.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Fall Bazaar and Halloween

Today the three of us went to the fall bazaar on post. I was unsure about going but we need to get out of the house sometimes. I am so glad we decided to go. We had tons of fun. We got to try lots of food. Everytime I would sample something I would get Ama a sample too. I bought some really cute hair things for Alauna. The woman that made them was really talented. I also got some homemade apple butter. Ama and Alauna were a hit with the people. Alauna kept talking to and smiling at everyone and Ama behaved really well and looked around. We met a little girl that is just a week older than Alauna. She was cute and the girls were talking to each other.

We went trick or treating tonight. We were gone about an hour and walked about 2 blocks. Little one year old legs don't go very fast. I ended up carrying both babies home at the end. Ama thought he was home every time someone opened the door. He acted like he had been invited to dinner. I think he had fun. The kids got more candy than I expected. Ama has been carrying his bucket around like he is still trick or treating. Then he climbed in his highchair and ate some candy.

And this is what all of the fun does to a baby shark

Friday, October 30, 2009

Quiet Day at Home

We didn't go anywhere today. We spent the day playing and organizing the kids room.

Alauna was a good baby like she usually is. Ama on the other hand.....I found a flat piece of plastic in the broiler (the bottom of the oven). I'm not sure what it used to be. It's white and made of plastic. At first I thought it was one of his balls. I found the ball in question so it wasn't that. Then I thought it might have been the spatula from the rice cooker but I found that also. Maybe I will never know....

Jeremy, I know I said I post a picture of Alauna rolling over but she didn't want to roll so here is something better Alauna Aerobics!!

And here is a picture of the two of them

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Failed the Room a Day

I'm the most productive after Alauna goes to sleep at night.  Silly me didn't think about my room a day room being her room where she is sleeping until it was too late.  I'm going to respect her sleep and finish it tomorrow.

Today was a busy day.  Here are some funny things that happened.  Ama woke up cold this morning and gave me a mean look and walked really fast to his room.  I caught him trying to put on some clothes.  The smart boy knows that more clothes equals warmth.  I'm proud of him.  I love it when he puts ideas together.  I now have the heater on in the house for the first time ever.  Ama was very loving today.  It was sweet.  I like it when he is like that.

Alauna looked adorable today.  She was wearing cute pink shoes, jeans, a pink and white princess shirt, and a headband with a bow.  I'm posting pictures so everyone can see.  She is VERY drooly but hopefully she won't get any teeth for a long time.  I like her smile just the way it is.

Just in case you were wondering

YES, I finished the dining room!! I still need to sweep and mop. I'm going to do that tomorrow. Alauna is asleep and I use my vacuum to sweep. I don't want to wake her up. I couldn't unpack all of my boxes but I really condensed them. I don't have enough cabinet space in my kitchen for everything. We are having a pantry built in December. I'm really looking forward to it.

3 rooms in 3 days!!! WooHoo!!!!!

...on to the babies room....

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Still Cleaning....

October 28, 2009
Today was day three of the room a day cleaning and I'm not quite done but I will finish. Day one was the living room, day two was the kitchen, today is the dining room. The dining room had 10 boxes to unpack. I swear we had at least 80 boxes moved, maybe more. There are still 2 rooms that have quite a bit and I gave away boxes to 3 different sets of people. Tomorrow is going to be a makeup day for the living room and dining room. They need to be cleaned daily since I have an Ama-tornado. I will also tackle the kids room. There aren't any boxes to unpack in there but their clothes need to be reorganized. I found a whole extra box of clothes that I didn't even know I had and they need somewhere to go.

I'm sure Ama did alot of funny things today. I just can't think of them off the top of my head. He did have a huge accomplishment. He went to sleep by himself (he usually sleeps with me) and only needed me once. I heard him crying and went in and picked him up off the floor and then laid with him for a minute and then left him alone. He woke up this morning in a really good mood and had a good day.

Alauna was her typical cute self. She ate, slept, and tried to play. I know she wants to play with Ama so bad. She watches him play and she waves her arms at him.

Here is Ama playing on a box. He has lots of boxes to play with. He is wearing pajama pants.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 27, 2009
Today was a regular old day. Ama played and played. Alauna ate and slept and tried to play. I finally made it to the post office today. I even went grocery shopping. That in itself is a miracle. Something usually keeps me from running necessary errands. If I want to run to Kohls I don't have a problem, but the grocery store I have a hard time getting to.

I also cleaned the kitchen. A room a day is still going strong.

Ama has this new thing. He likes to jump on me and no matter what I have to catch him. Sometimes I don't even see him coming. He will even jump off of furniture. That boy is fearless. I'm going to put his slide back together as soon as I get a minute away from him. I am with him 24 hours a day every single day. Even as I type this he is on my lap because he won't leave the DVDs alone.

At home today

October 26, 2009
Today we spent most of the day at home. I am having a room a day cleaning thing so we needed to stay home so I could finish. Living room is done! Tomorrow is the dining room. I'm going to be so happy when everything is unpacked.

Ama and Alauna played together today. Ama said, "like this" and moved her hand around on a toy. He was so nice to her. Then in a separate incident he tried to jump on my lap but ended up hitting Alauna since she was already there. She cried and he hugged and kissed her and looked so worried. The poor baby. She was just sitting there minding her own business.

Today the room I need to clean/unpack is the dining room. As soon as I am done with that I am going to set up the jumperoo for Alauna. I think she is just about ready for it.

Here is a picture of Alauna sleeping. Isn't she sweet?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Just Another Day...

October 25, 2009
Happy Birthday Corbin!!!! He is 2 today!! I called him and he said "Birthday". It was really cute.

We just hung out around the house today and played and cleaned. ALAUNA ROLLED OVER FOR THE FIRST TIME! That is her big accomplishment. I finally saw her roll over. Before today I would just find her in different places. Ama got beans in his eye. That wasn't fun.

Here is how I found Ama taking a nap. I'm not sure how comfortable that position is but he slept like that for a long time.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

October 24, 2009
It felt like today was a really busy day but looking back it doesn't seem like I got alot accomplished. Of course I went back to Kohls. Today was the last day of my coupons. I am now completely finished Christmas shopping for Cameron (my nephew). I hope he isn't reading this..... I got lots of good deals today. I also got Ama 2 pairs of Chuck Taylor Converses for $5 (for both!!!).

The kids were good today. Alauna is really trying to sit up by herself. Ama put his toothbrush in his pocket. I'm not sure why. Ama laid down beside Alauna on the couch and covered them both up with a blanket. He's a sweet boy.

Here are the daily baby pictures~

Friday, October 23, 2009

Ama's Doctor Appointment

October 23, 2009
Today Ama had a checkup. It was his 18 month well baby visit but due to Army circumstances and scheduling he didn't make it until he was 20 months old. All is good. He is 35.5 inches tall and 31 pounds and 2 ounces. He hasn't gained weight since his last checkup but he has grown more than 3 inches. I believe it, he seems really tall now.

Here is Alauna practicing sitting up and then resting from the exertion.
Here is Ama giving me some attitude. He is playing with the ball he won on his first trip to Chuck E Cheese.
Would you believe that this room was once clean? A one year old can do an amazing tornado impression. Can you even find Ama in there?

And then there is Ama and Alauna together. They really do love each other.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pre-deployment Fair

October 22, 2009
Today the kids and I went to a pre-deployment fair. It was pretty good. I got tons of information and they had goodies for the kids--books, Elmo DVDs, dolls, etc. We are going to stay really busy during this deployment. Between fun activities like Mommy and Me classes, losing weight, and fixing up the new house, we are always going to be on the go. It's better that way. Then we won't have as much time to dwell on our missing family member.

It seems like something else happened today. I went back to Kohls. I swear that place is awesome. I had only ever been one time before and it was so messy that I vowed to never go back. I'm glad I gave them a second chance. I actually found clothes for me. That rarely ever happens. Once again, I got tons of nice stuff and barely spent any money.

Jeremy is doing well in school. He has formation at 0430 every morning. Ugh, that gives me flashbacks to Basic Training and AIT. Hopefully he gets used to it soon. He will be doing it for more than a month.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Morning Time with Alauna

October 21, 2009
Early mornings are Mommy-Alauna time. One of us wakes up first and catches the attention of the other one. She is usually so happy in the mornings. She rarely cries, usually I wake up because she is talking to herself. She smiles at me when I go in to get her. Then she eats and then we lay down and talk and she laughs and smiles. Sometimes if we are lucky we can squeeze in a little nap before we have to get up for the day.

Good Sale at Kohls

Kohl's is having a good sale on Carters clothes. I won some $5 off coupons on Ebay and used three of them this evening. I got a set of Carters pajamas for Ama (regular price $20), an Elmo sippy cup (regular price $8), and a Thanksgiving shirt for Alauna (regular price $8). Add the sales, my coupons, and some Kohls cash that I got and I ended up spending a grand total of $1.48!!!!! I used the change from the bottom of my purse so for me it was almost like it was free since that money was just pennies and small change. Here is a picture of Ama in his new PJs (and yes, I did rescue Alauna from that blanket. I have to watch her. She likes to pull on things). I'm definitely going back to use the rest of my coupons. I have 20 of them and have only used 3.

Today was a good day. The babies actually took a nap at the same time so I had lots of time to organize the master bedroom. It's getting there. I hate unpacking. I'm not sure why it takes so long. I also have another batch of boxes for freecycle. This is my third load of boxes I have given away.

Oh, here is a picture of Ama eating a popcorn ball.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Today was a somewhat busy day. The babies and I picked up a couple of things we got off of freecycle. Then we went to Target and discovered that the Target was INSIDE OF A MALL. I've never seen anything like it.

Jeremy made it to Lawton safely. His room has two beds so he asked us to come up and see him sooner than we had planned. That made me feel loved. I'm not sure when we are going though. It would be nice to be together for trick or treating.

As I type this Ama is pulling on my arm. He is also eating a popcorn ball. I got some for him at Walmart last night and I think he found his new favorite toy. I gave up trying to contain him while he eats them since it takes about an hour. It's actually kinda funny. He eats on it for a while and then throws it and goes to get it, then he eats on it some more.

Alauna played with a toy for the first time!! She is growing up, how sad but exciting at the same time.

Here is a picture from today (I used my back up memory card!) AHHHH!!! Ama took my card out while I was uploading. This boy is relentless. Oh, well. Here is my baby girl. And yes, even though it is late October it still feels like summer here.

Just the Three of Us

Jeremy left REALLY early this morning and now it is just the three of us. No real plans for today, we have some cleaning to do and I have an errand to run. So far it seems like a normal day since he is usually at work anyways. I don't think it has sunk in that he is gone and isn't coming back for a long time.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Case of the Missing Memory Card

Last night I discovered Ama filing his toys and some other things in our filing cabinet. I took a picture of his main drawer because it had unusual things in it. Originally it had folders. When I looked in there was a key in the door lock that still had a lock attached. Inside was a boxing glove, 2 dirty socks, and a ball. I took a picture so everyone can see what things end up looking like when Ama is around. The other drawers all had something different in them, mostly balls. Balls are Ama's favorite toys and he has millions of them.

Today when I came to post about it I discovered that my memory card was gone. This is the third time I have lost a memory card and suspected Ama of it. Luckily I have a back up card but sadly, I had tons of pictures on the old one. I'll be looking for it. I'm glad I posted about the steaks yesterday. At least now I have 3 pictures from the day. I hadn't put any of the other ones on the computer yet.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Steaks for Soldiers

Today we went to an event called Steaks for Soldiers. Jeremy said the steak was good and Ama and I really liked the hot dogs. It was a nice of the community to think of us and feed us. They also gave all of the kids dolls called huggables that have a space for a picture on the face. I'm going to put Jeremy's face in the kids dolls so they have it for when he is gone. It won't be the same as hugging their daddy but at least it will be something. We were also given a kit for adding pictures to dog tags. I'll post a picture when I finish it. I'm going to put Ama's picture on one side and Alauna's face on the other. It's like the man version of a locket!

I wish we had a family picture but we never seem to get one. We need to soon though because I need it for our Christmas cards.

New Blog

Hi everyone. My name is Carrie and this is the new blog for my family. Soon my husband is deploying to Iraq and I want to make a special place to post pictures and stories about us while he is gone. This is also a place for others to leave messages for him. Stay tuned and save our page because our one year old, Ama, might possibly be the funniest person you ever read about. I'm hoping this will be a picture heavy blog so if I start slacking please feel free to remind me that I need to post more.

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