The Gabriels


Welcome to our blog. We are happy to document our lives and share it with everyone.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Today was a somewhat busy day. The babies and I picked up a couple of things we got off of freecycle. Then we went to Target and discovered that the Target was INSIDE OF A MALL. I've never seen anything like it.

Jeremy made it to Lawton safely. His room has two beds so he asked us to come up and see him sooner than we had planned. That made me feel loved. I'm not sure when we are going though. It would be nice to be together for trick or treating.

As I type this Ama is pulling on my arm. He is also eating a popcorn ball. I got some for him at Walmart last night and I think he found his new favorite toy. I gave up trying to contain him while he eats them since it takes about an hour. It's actually kinda funny. He eats on it for a while and then throws it and goes to get it, then he eats on it some more.

Alauna played with a toy for the first time!! She is growing up, how sad but exciting at the same time.

Here is a picture from today (I used my back up memory card!) AHHHH!!! Ama took my card out while I was uploading. This boy is relentless. Oh, well. Here is my baby girl. And yes, even though it is late October it still feels like summer here.

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