The Gabriels


Welcome to our blog. We are happy to document our lives and share it with everyone.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Alauna started to crawl and suddenly she is all over the place! Look at her. Soon she will be pulling up to standing and then she will be cruising and then walking. It is all happening so fast!!

Today was a good, somewhat productive day. People came and fixed the little things that were wrong with the house this morning and then we ran some errands. I have drill this weekend so I may or may not post this weekend.
Alauna is following Ama around. I keep hearing him say no no to her.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Today was a good day. We went to a playdate at the mall playground among other things. The kids had fun and Alauna especially made a friend. I took a cute picture of them playing but I don't want to post it witho2 out her mom's permission. We talked to two baby girls that were within a month of Alauna's age. Hopefully we will get together again soon. I'm sure we will. One family is moving into our neighborhood and the other mom is in my moms group.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

s Here is Ama. I was holding him up in the air and taking his picture at the same time. He had fun. Speaking of Ama, earlier I walked in the bedroom and found a bunch of baby wipes all over the bed. He said "Oh, no. Oh, no" and pointed at them. I asked him who had made the mess. He said Sis! I don't know why he expected me to believe that a little baby could climb on the bed but I was happy that he had said Sis.
Alauna is all of the sudden really good at crawling!hat little girl can go anywhere now. Earlier I was sitting on the couch and her little head popped up over the coffee table. She is sooo cute.

This is what my shopping cart looks like when I go to the store. Do you wonder where my groceries go? Good question. They go around Alauna if they are small enough or on the very bottom or in my arms and I struggle and carry things in my arms and barely steer the cart.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

We had a busy day, lots of time outside. We made alot of progress with the backyard. Hopefully it will be useable soon. The babies are resting now. Alauna is asleep and Ama is watching Wow Wow Wubzy. He loves that show. I'm sure he will fall asleep soon. The babies took a shower together today. They had fun and shared toys. It was the first time that Alauna sat in the bathtub by herself. I've always been too scared to do it before but now that she is crawling I figure she is steady enough.

I was trying to post on Monday but I missed it by a little bit.

The babies and I did alot today. We ran lots errands and they both behaved really well. I really appreciate that.

Here is a picture of Ama sleeping. I took it a couple of minutes ago. Alauna is also sleeping. I should be sleeping but I have to work on something for Jeremy since I am babyless for a few minutes. I'm sure someone is on the verge of waking up right now. It's rare to have two babies sleeping at the same time, even in the middle of the night.

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