The Gabriels


Welcome to our blog. We are happy to document our lives and share it with everyone.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Alauna started to crawl and suddenly she is all over the place! Look at her. Soon she will be pulling up to standing and then she will be cruising and then walking. It is all happening so fast!!

Today was a good, somewhat productive day. People came and fixed the little things that were wrong with the house this morning and then we ran some errands. I have drill this weekend so I may or may not post this weekend.
Alauna is following Ama around. I keep hearing him say no no to her.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't stopped by in a couple of weeks...look at Alauna go!! Sounds like Ama is talking more which is great news too! Good luck getting your backyard up to speed. You're making tons of progress!


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