The Gabriels


Welcome to our blog. We are happy to document our lives and share it with everyone.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

I have a received a request for more posts. Until today I didn't have any pictures to post so I have been putting it off. Today was Aaron's last day before he left for basic. He ships out tomorrow. It is a funny coincidence that I am in OKC right now and could take him out to dinner on his last night. We hadn't seen each other in almost a year until I came up here for training. When he got out of the car he said, "I'll see you in 3 to 6 months". I had to call him while I was driving back to my own hotel to tell him something I remembered about basic training. Hahahah That was my evil laugh. That poor guy. He doesn't know what he is in for. hahahaha I am still laughing. It's ok though. I'm allowed to laugh. I've already been there and survived. It will be good for him. It builds character. I'm glad he can already eat really fast. That used to make me sick. Sometimes you have to eat so fast that you sit down, eat, and run back outside and it seems like your food doesn't even get to your stomach until you are already back in formation. Ah, good times.

I was waiting up to talk to my husband but I guess it was all in vain because he never popped online on Skype. I hate it when that happens. If he isn't online when he usually is I worry. Now I am going to be worrying until I come back for lunch. He is off work by then most of the time.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

These pictures are from last night. I was putting together Ama's new bed. His bed is really cool. I'm hoping that he sleeps in it.
This morning Alauna said, "Here ya go" and handed me my cell phone. My eyes got big and I said Thank You. That made her laugh. That girl is full of surprises. She is there for ALL of Ama's speech therapy sessions and all of his other appointments and I think they are helping her talk earlier. She is only 9 months old.

Friday, April 23, 2010

The theme of the day is going to be fussy babies....with a bonus happy baby picture thrown in.

We went to Jungle Jaks today and Ama had a great time. He behaved wonderfully. He played and then sat down and ate a grilled cheese sandwich and then got back up to play again. We were supposed to go to the dairy farm today but it was REALLY windy and winds are no joke in El Paso. Jungle Jaks was a good compromise. We met Henny and Brandice and their kids there so Ama and Alauna had lots of playmates.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Here is Alauna eating ham on Easter. Her Easter dress is courtesy of her Grandma and Grandpa Gabriel.

I can log in! Ama stepped on my laptop and now I can't see the bottom of my screen and that is where I need to click to login to Blogger. I changed my text size and now I can see the place to click. I posted lots of pictures from Easter on my facebook. If you are not my friend please email me and I will add you so you can see the babies hunting eggs. We hunted eggs three times! The first one was at Henny's house with our playgroup. That was fun. We ate, hunted eggs, and played in the sprinklers. Then we went to the egg hunt on post. That was not good in terms of getting eggs (one egg between the two of them) but we did get some cotton candy and Ama climbed a tree and jumped in the jump house so I count it as a success. On Easter Sunday we went to the Nichol's house and ate some yummy food and hunted for eggs. This hunt was the best in terms of Ama finding eggs. It was more controlled and he had practiced quite a bit. That silly boy took an egg out of someone's hand (luckily it was an adult!). He really thought he had found an egg!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Alauna started to crawl and suddenly she is all over the place! Look at her. Soon she will be pulling up to standing and then she will be cruising and then walking. It is all happening so fast!!

Today was a good, somewhat productive day. People came and fixed the little things that were wrong with the house this morning and then we ran some errands. I have drill this weekend so I may or may not post this weekend.
Alauna is following Ama around. I keep hearing him say no no to her.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Today was a good day. We went to a playdate at the mall playground among other things. The kids had fun and Alauna especially made a friend. I took a cute picture of them playing but I don't want to post it witho2 out her mom's permission. We talked to two baby girls that were within a month of Alauna's age. Hopefully we will get together again soon. I'm sure we will. One family is moving into our neighborhood and the other mom is in my moms group.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

s Here is Ama. I was holding him up in the air and taking his picture at the same time. He had fun. Speaking of Ama, earlier I walked in the bedroom and found a bunch of baby wipes all over the bed. He said "Oh, no. Oh, no" and pointed at them. I asked him who had made the mess. He said Sis! I don't know why he expected me to believe that a little baby could climb on the bed but I was happy that he had said Sis.
Alauna is all of the sudden really good at crawling!hat little girl can go anywhere now. Earlier I was sitting on the couch and her little head popped up over the coffee table. She is sooo cute.

This is what my shopping cart looks like when I go to the store. Do you wonder where my groceries go? Good question. They go around Alauna if they are small enough or on the very bottom or in my arms and I struggle and carry things in my arms and barely steer the cart.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

We had a busy day, lots of time outside. We made alot of progress with the backyard. Hopefully it will be useable soon. The babies are resting now. Alauna is asleep and Ama is watching Wow Wow Wubzy. He loves that show. I'm sure he will fall asleep soon. The babies took a shower together today. They had fun and shared toys. It was the first time that Alauna sat in the bathtub by herself. I've always been too scared to do it before but now that she is crawling I figure she is steady enough.

I was trying to post on Monday but I missed it by a little bit.

The babies and I did alot today. We ran lots errands and they both behaved really well. I really appreciate that.

Here is a picture of Ama sleeping. I took it a couple of minutes ago. Alauna is also sleeping. I should be sleeping but I have to work on something for Jeremy since I am babyless for a few minutes. I'm sure someone is on the verge of waking up right now. It's rare to have two babies sleeping at the same time, even in the middle of the night.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ama has a bit of a stomach flu so we spent the day at home so he doesn't infect anyone else. I spent the day cleaning up after him, the joys of being a mommy.

Here is a picture of the babies taking a nap today. I actually got to take a nap right after I took this picture. Amazing, I rarely get to take a nap. Usually they decide that sleeping at different times is more fun.

Aren't they cute? Yes, that is a bare mattress. I told you that I have been cleaning up messes all day.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The kids seemed to be extra funny today. I'll try to remember everything funny that happened. Ama came to me visibly upset. He pulled me into the living room where Alauna was sitting on the floor eating Ama's cookie. Funny thing (besides Alauna eating her first cookie) is that Alauna isn't exactly mobile. At some point Ama must have given her the cookie. A couple of hours ago Ama came walking into the bedroom not wearing any pants. He laughed and showed me where he had put his pants. He thought he was so funny. Another cookie story, the same cookie, Me: Do you have a cookie? Ama: Yeah Me: What kind? Ama: MINE! I thought that was cute.

More funny stuff happened but I can't remember it. I bet it was funnier if you were here so people reading this are probably thinking I am a weirdo

Friday, February 26, 2010

Today was a busy day. We had several things to do. The most important was Ama's occupational therapy session. She said that he is doing much better. We all played outside so that really helps. He LOVES to play outside. I had some wet concrete on in the front yard and now it has a little Ama heel print in it. The guys offered to fix it but I like it. It's a little memory of a tiny boy running around the front yard.

Alauna crawled for the first time today!! It might not have been her first time but it was the first time I had ever seen her. Prior to this I just wondered how she got to new places when I wasn't looking. She also sat up by herself today. She was in the crawl position and rocked herself up to sitting. It was a big day for Alauna!! Go baby girl!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sorry everyone. There will be no pictures today. We had some guys over to do some work on the house and Little Mister Ama thought that my camera went in their toolbox. Now I have to go to New Mexico tomorrow and get it back. Thanks Ama. I had a couple of cute pictures on there too. One was of Ama taking a nap and then several pictures of Alauna playing.

*****Edited to add that I got my camera back!! Here are the pictures that I had planned on posting.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm back. Drill weekend is over and it was a success. The commander was willing to let me in the unit enlisted or commissioned. I feel flattered. I have been told that he is not usually so generous. I had drill Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and then I had a recovery day on Monday (meaning that we had a lazy day) so now I am back to posting daily.

Ama just learned how to jump off of the couch. He thinks he is so cool and Alauna thinks he is hilarious. She laughs at everything he does. I'm not sure he is the best role model since he usually doing things that can get him in trouble but it is funny for now. Ama had speech therapy today. The therapist said he is doing well and is improving. Ama loves it when people come to see him. Barbie said that he doesn't realize that they are here to work with him. He thinks they are playdates. That is good. I like how he has fun.

Alauna kinda has a cold. It is the first time she has EVER been sick. Her lungs usually sound congested but she has never been sick sick. She has a runny nose for the first time in her life. I think that is pretty good since she is 7 months old. It's not even bad but I can sense that she isn't a hundred percent. She needs extra cuddling.

Jeremy is good in case anyone reading this doesn't know. He is hanging out, going on missions and things like that. He is going to start working out soon. He needs it after he gets my next care package!! I put 4 bags of Snickers in there among other things. If anyone wants to send something to him let me know. I can give you his address.
Here is Ama carrying bricks inside while I am getting the groceries out of the car. Then he is is happy with his brick and rock inside. The third picture is what happened when I told him he couldn't play with rocks in the house. Poor boy.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Another day...still tons left to do. I am seriously taking a break NEXT Friday. If anyone knows of something I have to do that day please don't tell me. I want to look forward to it as long as possible.

The kids were good today. Alauna was very pleasant as usual and Ama was also pretty good. He got to play outside for a long time and enjoyed himself. Lots of other things happened and Ama's speech therapist came to help him. I am going to take pictures of things that he usually asks for and put them on the refrigerator so he can learn to associate the pictures with things that he sees in real life. I am going to take pictures of his milk, yogurt, cheese, and a peanut butter sandwich for now. That is what he asks for most of the time. He also likes popsicles but I don't want to give him one everytime he asks. I want to be able to be happy and cheer when he shows me a picture and I need healthier stuff for that.

Tomorrow I have drill so I might not be posting. If I do it will be during the day. I have lots to do during the day. I need to slow down but I don't know how. I have a problem with that. I feel like everything needs to get done all at once.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Below is what Alauna was doing while Ama was taking a nap. She was playing with a car. The last two pictures is how Ama finished up his nap. I'm not sure why or how he did it but he managed to sleep like that for a good half hour.

I know I am not the best writer. I'm just doing this because it is an easy way to remember the things the babies are doing.

Lately Ama been entertained by putting a bucket on Alauna's head. She doesn't seem to mind and it is a big production when we "find" Alauna's head again, lots of cheering and clapping.

Like always, today was a busy day. I think I get to take a break on Tuesday. I hope so.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Today began with the three of us waking up at the same time. I think it was because I left the curtains open and the sun was shining on us. Ama wanted some breakfast. I told him that I was still sleepy and wanted to stay in bed. He said nooooo and pulled my blanket off. Guess what happened after that? I made Ama some cereal. He won.

Other funny stuff happened. I can't remember all of it. Hmmm.....we were in the car and Alauna was crying. I asked Ama to help her. He turned to her and said "Stop it". It didn't work but it was cute. Ama is starting to say more and more.

As usual we had a very busy day. Why does it always end up being like that? I'm hoping to have a day of doing nothing sometime soon. I guess there aren't really any days like that. Even when we are at home the kids keep me busy. I think I am going to start taking Ama to Mothers Day Out once or twice a week. A part of me feels bad about it because he could easily stay with me, it's not like I am working (or maybe I will but probably not always) but a part of me thinks it will be good for him. They do structured things like craft time and I think it will be good for him to be around kids his own age. I think he will enjoy it.

Monday, February 15, 2010

It's 10pm and I have 2 sleeping babies!!! Those of you that know of our sleep issues can fully understand how amazing that is. I'm going to keep this short so I can get some sleep. I am VERY tired. It seems like I had something to write about but I can't remember it now. Everything kinda runs together. We are getting into a new routine. The babies seem to be happy. They play all day long. Ama plays outside every single day. He loves to play out there. I can't wait until we have a finished backyard. I know we will enjoy it everyday.

I noticed something today. I am trying to teach Alauna how to eat food but she has no idea that she needs to use her hands to feed herself! She thinks that all she has to do is open her mouth and she is fed. It works for her for now but I hope she catches on soon.

I can't post a picture today. I actually forgot to take one. I'll make up for it. Like I said, we are very busy people. I keep telling Ama that I am going to schedule in some time for us to take our time. I feel like we are always rushing to get somewhere.

Jeremy and I talked off and on all day on Skype. That is nice. Skype is so much easier than I thought it would be.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I am very sleepy so this will be short. Ama is finally asleep at a decent time. Now I just need this little girl to go to sleep. Things have been very busy around here. It seems like there is always a million things I need to do. The babies were good today. They seem to be friends. They help each other out and Ama calls her Sissy. It's cute. Speaking of Ama, he is starting to talk more. He says no on a regular basis now and Tee means Thank You. Wow, I have lots of stories but I talked to Jeremy on Skype so I don't feel as guilty as I could have about not typing them out.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Today the babies and I went to a Valentines party. Thanks for having us over, Shannon! We had fun. Ama passed out on the car ride home and is still asleep. I need to wake him up soon. Actually, both babies are asleep and I need to go to the store to get some stuff for my garage sale tomorrow. I have TONS of stuff to sell. It's overwhelming. I'm probably going to need to have another sale later after I sell the top layer of stuff in my garage. I know I am going to find lots of other things that we don't need anymore. The kids outgrow things so fast. I am also selling all of my maternity clothes. No more babies for a while! Jeremy never gets rid of clothes so before he left I had him go through his stuff. I seriously have a lot of stuff for sale.

Quick story~ We were in the car coming back from the party. Ama started laughing like he was laughing at the funniest thing he had ever seen. I turned around and his face was dripping juice!!!! He had squeezed his juice box and it was EVERYWHERE! The mess was worth the happiness I heard in his laugh.
I'm coming back to add more. People are still calling me about my garage sale! I put my phone number in my ad because our house is brand new so sometimes it is hard to find. I wanted people to be able to call for directions. A man just called me (and yes it is 10 at night) and he told me that he has been in the garage sale-ing every weekend business for 10 years and if I put my signs out tonight he said people would be knocking on my door at 5am. Garage sales are serious around here!! I'm hoping for a good blog report tomorrow! Cross your fingers for lots of decluttering and lots of money!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My camera came in the mail today. Yay! This will be my last post with old pictures. I'm charging the battery. Today I am going to post pictures from Ama's actual birthday. We had spaghetti for dinner and then an ice cream cake.

I had a root canal today and now after a week of pain I actually feel pretty good. The babies stayed at Maria's house while I was at the dentist. They seemed to do well. Ama and Michael get along really well. When it was time to go Michael hid Ama's shoes so he couldn't leave.

I gave Alauna a baby mum mum today and she ate it! We tried a few weeks ago and she couldn't do it. Ah, she is growing up....

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