The Gabriels


Welcome to our blog. We are happy to document our lives and share it with everyone.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Today began with the three of us waking up at the same time. I think it was because I left the curtains open and the sun was shining on us. Ama wanted some breakfast. I told him that I was still sleepy and wanted to stay in bed. He said nooooo and pulled my blanket off. Guess what happened after that? I made Ama some cereal. He won.

Other funny stuff happened. I can't remember all of it. Hmmm.....we were in the car and Alauna was crying. I asked Ama to help her. He turned to her and said "Stop it". It didn't work but it was cute. Ama is starting to say more and more.

As usual we had a very busy day. Why does it always end up being like that? I'm hoping to have a day of doing nothing sometime soon. I guess there aren't really any days like that. Even when we are at home the kids keep me busy. I think I am going to start taking Ama to Mothers Day Out once or twice a week. A part of me feels bad about it because he could easily stay with me, it's not like I am working (or maybe I will but probably not always) but a part of me thinks it will be good for him. They do structured things like craft time and I think it will be good for him to be around kids his own age. I think he will enjoy it.

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