The Gabriels


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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy 7 month birthday Alauna!!

Today I had planned on taking Alauna to get her sweat test done (testing for cystic fibrosis) and then head over to a playdate at Cat's and then take the babies to get their pictures taken. My plans never seem to work out. Alauna's appointment took WAY longer than I was quoted. I would have been an hour late for Cat's so I went to Target instead to buy Alauna some tights. Then I TRIED to get the babies pictures done but Ama was too tired and would not cooperate. He wouldn't even let me put him down. Alauna did great though. I dressed her up more formal than I ever have in her whole life. She looked so different and so cute. Here is a link to the pictures we took today. just have to put in my name Carrie Gabriel I think they turned out pretty good. There were 4 shots that I really liked and ordered. You can guess which ones if you want and I will tell you if you are right. I rescheduled Ama'a 2 year pictures for tomorrow. Hopefully he will be in a better mood. When I walked into the studio one of the first things I saw was Alauna's picture on the wall!! Here is a link to the picture. It is the first one in the setting. Once again, you just have to type in my name. The picture is E12

I got some supplies to make Valentine cards. I need to make 2 tonight for Cameron and Corbin so I can mail them and they get them in time. Ama will make them and I will "help" him. Then we will be nice and sign Alauna's name too.
Ama is starting to talk more. Today Alauna was crying and he patted her head and said Sissy. He says Tee for thank you. My mom likes the story of how I closed the dishwasher door and Ama told me good job. His best words are still ME and MOM.

Here are a few pictures of our trip to Incredible Pizza. We went there to celebrate Ama's second birthday. I'm going to post some today and some tomorrow.

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