The Gabriels


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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Back to a post a day.....

...Because Jeremy just left. Now the babies and I are all alone. I miss him already. We didn't really think he was leaving today. He had been told he was leaving about every two weeks since November. The emotional roller coaster ride of that is over but new emotions have replaced them. It hasn't really sunk in that he is gone for good now. It seems like he is just at work, which he is, but Fort Bliss is much safer than Iraq and he can't come home everyday from Iraq. Here are a few pictures from today.
I'm not sure what else to write about. The babies are both asleep and I am sitting here all alone. Maybe when I am a bit more upbeat I will post about Ama's birthday and add some pictures of it.

1 comment:

  1. big hugs Carrie... and prayer for Jeremy and his units safety.


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