The Gabriels


Welcome to our blog. We are happy to document our lives and share it with everyone.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm back. Drill weekend is over and it was a success. The commander was willing to let me in the unit enlisted or commissioned. I feel flattered. I have been told that he is not usually so generous. I had drill Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and then I had a recovery day on Monday (meaning that we had a lazy day) so now I am back to posting daily.

Ama just learned how to jump off of the couch. He thinks he is so cool and Alauna thinks he is hilarious. She laughs at everything he does. I'm not sure he is the best role model since he usually doing things that can get him in trouble but it is funny for now. Ama had speech therapy today. The therapist said he is doing well and is improving. Ama loves it when people come to see him. Barbie said that he doesn't realize that they are here to work with him. He thinks they are playdates. That is good. I like how he has fun.

Alauna kinda has a cold. It is the first time she has EVER been sick. Her lungs usually sound congested but she has never been sick sick. She has a runny nose for the first time in her life. I think that is pretty good since she is 7 months old. It's not even bad but I can sense that she isn't a hundred percent. She needs extra cuddling.

Jeremy is good in case anyone reading this doesn't know. He is hanging out, going on missions and things like that. He is going to start working out soon. He needs it after he gets my next care package!! I put 4 bags of Snickers in there among other things. If anyone wants to send something to him let me know. I can give you his address.
Here is Ama carrying bricks inside while I am getting the groceries out of the car. Then he is is happy with his brick and rock inside. The third picture is what happened when I told him he couldn't play with rocks in the house. Poor boy.

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