The Gabriels


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Saturday, November 28, 2009

We are back!!!!! Our laptop at the hotel wouldn't let me sign in here to update so I have lots to say now. The plane ride and airport trips with the babies was okay. I was the crazy looking lady there with a baby in a wrap, a baby in a stroller, 2 blankets, a diaper bag and a purse trying to walk fast. It worked. The kids behaved well. It was Ama's second trip by plane and Alauna's first. Here are a couple of pictures from the plane.

The trip went pretty well. Keeping the kids quiet in the hotel room was tough but we managed. I had fun wrapping people. I actually wrapped 8 people and sold an extra wrap. I met my mom and Billy in Oklahoma City at the mall. We had lunch and did a little bit of shopping. Alauna sat in a high chair for the very first time. She looked so tiny! And here is a picture of Alauna and Billy
Ama played on the toys at the mall for the first time. He really liked them. It's a good thing Billy had a pocket full of quarters!The hotel had a playground. Here are a few pictures from one of our trips.

Here are a couple of pics from a day in the life of living in a hotel room. Yes, that is Ama doing something that got him in trouble after I put the camera down.

Jeremy graduated from his school. Congrats to him! We had been dreading him going but all is well now. Hopefully he gets promoted soon. We have been checking every month and his number is getting close. Maybe January-fingers crossed on that one.

Thanksgiving was fun. We went to Maria's house. Thank you Maria and family for a good time and delicious food. The leftovers were really good too. I can't wait for my new sweet potato pie!! If there is anyone in El Paso that likes sweet potato pies I HIGHLY recommend the pies that she got. Let me know if you need the info. It might even be worthy of shipping.

Black Friday--I waited in line for 1.5 hours at Toys R Us and then found out that they were out of the Neat and Tidy cottage that I wanted for the kids. I left empty handed. Later in the morning my shopping buddy (Alauna) and I went to Target and Walmart after the rush. I managed to get some good deals.

Here are a couple of pictures from today. Her daddy was experimenting and figured out that she can do this.

******I would like to post a special shout out to Sheri. Happy Belated Birthday, Sheri!!! I didn't get a chance to send you a card but I did remember and I was thinking of you on your birthday. I don't know if you have thought about it but we met 16 years ago, in the sixth grade. Look, now I'm dating us. I'm only kidding. We are still young. If there is anyone out there trying to do the math, I will help you out--we are 28.
I did get your Thanksgiving day card. Thank you very much. It was really sweet.

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