The Gabriels


Welcome to our blog. We are happy to document our lives and share it with everyone.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Ama's Doctor Appointment

October 23, 2009
Today Ama had a checkup. It was his 18 month well baby visit but due to Army circumstances and scheduling he didn't make it until he was 20 months old. All is good. He is 35.5 inches tall and 31 pounds and 2 ounces. He hasn't gained weight since his last checkup but he has grown more than 3 inches. I believe it, he seems really tall now.

Here is Alauna practicing sitting up and then resting from the exertion.
Here is Ama giving me some attitude. He is playing with the ball he won on his first trip to Chuck E Cheese.
Would you believe that this room was once clean? A one year old can do an amazing tornado impression. Can you even find Ama in there?

And then there is Ama and Alauna together. They really do love each other.


  1. just wanted you to know I am completely LOVING these daily updates- most with pictures!! Having said that I KNOW Jeremy has to be totally thriving off this connection<3

  2. Thanks Beth. He does love them. He reads the updates when I am on the phone and they make him laugh


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